Frequently Asked Questions
SODS has a multiage/grade classroom setting, while we use the standards to guide our daily learning, the science and social studies themes rotate on a 3-year cycle. The beautiful thing about SODS is that we teach thematic lessons through experiential, hands on, nature-based course work and outdoor exploration. Click HERE to read more about our curriculum and approach.
Yes, students / families can apply for financial assistance and scholarships. Click HERE to complete the application.
Yes, students enjoy a variety of field trips, museums, state parks, local historic sites, art studios and more.
Yes. Nature’s Playground After-school Program operates right on campus. Click HERE to email with more questions.
Yes and No. We do several activities with mixed ages groups, however during specific academic times during the day (such as math for example) we split the group into the older’s and younger’s where as the teaching is more specific to the concepts each age / grade is striving for. Click HERE to reach an article out of Stanford University on the benefits of mixed age group learning.